Our Staff

Sophia Minot, Office Administrator

Sophia Minot, Office Administrator

Our patients love Sophia Minot, our office administrator. She helps our patient understand how most dental insurance work and what is and is not cover during the treatment planning phase. She has over 20 years of experience in the dental field helping patients. She presents dental treatment, finds ways patients can pay for treatment such as health savings account or CareCredit.

Lissette Gonzales, RDH

Lissette Gonzales, RDH

Our registered dental hygienist is amazing. She is very gentle and thorough. We get 97% positive feedback from our patients about her. She holds a dental degree from La Havana, Cuba. She joined our team 3 years ago.

Kennard Vandergrift, RDH

Image Coming Soon, Skylight Dental Care

Our registered dental hygienist is very gentle. He is very gentle and thorough. We get 96 % positive feedback from our patients about him. He holds a dental degree from Mexico. He recently joined our team.